I was wondering if anyone has got a good idea of how large a problem ASREML might successfully complete. For example, I have a single trait genetic (variance components) analysis, with n~280,000 and approximately 850,000 animals in a-inverse.
I am running on a Linux (RedHat 7.1) workstation with two Xeon 933 processors, 2GB RDRAM and about 4 GB swap space. Using the above data, the model specifies 2 random effects (direct and maternal genetic) in addition to the residual. Repeated attempts to run this job result in an error message: Too BIG! use -s option. The job was invoked using, for example, the command:
$ asreml -s8 weight
Apparently, ASREML forms and writes ainverse.bin without a problem, so the error occurs either while forming the equations or during iteration. The appropriate .asr file is attached.
Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.
D. H. "Denny" Crews, Jr.
Research Scientist and Leader
Beef Cattle Genetics
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Centre
5403 1st Avenue South
Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 4B1 Canada
403-317-2288 voice
403-382-3156 fax
A wise man will hear, and will increase learning,
and a man of understanding shall attain unto
wise counsels. Proverbs 1:5
ASReml [23 Feb 2001] bwt - Test run 24AUG01
24 Aug 2001 16:53:41.7432048.00 Mbyte Unix birthweight
Your ASReml license expires 31 Mar 2001
* ASREML 2001 *********************************************
* Jan Scale of spline and pol design matrices has changed.*
* This will change the components but not the fit. *
* Feb predict syntax has changed. *
***************************************************** ARG *
dam !P
d_yrs 18 !I
bwt_cg 12423 !I
Reading pedigree file /home/dcrews/scripts/ped_stk.rc : skipping 0 lines
PEDIGREE [/home/dcrews/scripts/ped_stk.rc ] has 846680 identities, 2830072 Non zero elements
Reading /home/dcrews/scripts/bwt_final1 FREE FORMAT skipping 0 lines
Univariate analysis of birthwt
Using 282147 records of 282147 read
Model term Size Type COL Minimum Mean Maximum #zero #miss
1 id 846680 Direct 1 4484. 0.5719E+06 0.8467E+06 0 0
2 dam 846680 Direct 2 77.00 0.1343E+06 0.2727E+06 0 0
3 d_yrs 359 Factor 3 1 65.6018 359 0 0
4 jbd 1 Covariat 4 2.000 4.935 19.00 0 0
5 bwt_cg 12423 Factor 5 1 5720.8581 12422 0 53
6 birthwt 1 Variate 6 45.00 90.75 137.0 0 0
7 mu 1 Constant Term
2 UnStructure 0.3000 0.1000 0.2000
846680 Ainverse
Structure of id has 1693360 levels defined
Forming 1706144 equations: 361 dense
Initial updates will be shrunk by factor 0.200
LogL= 0.00000 S2= 0.0000 0 df
Fault 6 Too BIG! Use -s option.
Last line read was: id 0 0 0 0 0
birthweight /home/dcrews/CHA/scripts/bwt_final1
Model specification: TERM LEVELS GAMMAS
d_yrs 359 0.000
jbd 1 0.000
mu 1 0.000
id 846680 0.000
dam 846680 0.000
bwt_cg 12423 0.000
SECTIONS 282147 7 1
TYPE 0 0 0 2002 -1 0
STRUCT 282147 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 3 9 8 3 1 0
846680 0 -2 0 0 1 0
7 factors defined [max 500].
10 variance parameters [max 600]. 2 special structures
Final parameter values 1.0000 0.30000 0.10000
Last line read was: id 0 0 0 0 0
7 6 282147282147 256000
Finished: 25 Aug 2001 10:48:44.319 Too BIG! Use -s option.