I am currently working on a RR model for SCC in dairy cattle. I want to use
a model with different residual variances in different parts of the
lactation, but don't know how to do it.
I separate the lactation in 10 periods. The program file looks as follows
Random Regression Sire Model
sire 566 !P
pe 95009
period 10 #Period of lactation
leg0 #Legendre polynomials
scs #Dependent variable
srrm1.ped !MAKE
srrm1.dat !MAXIT 40
scs ~ leg0 leg1 leg2 leg3 !r leg0.sire leg1.sire leg2.sire leg3.sire leg0.pe
leg1.pe leg2.pe leg3.pe
0 0 2
leg0.sire 2
4 0 CORR 0.7849E-01 !+9 !GP
-0.1147 0.7774
0.1641 -0.7713 -0.9849
0.1142 0.3085E-01 0.2090E-01 0.1054E-01
leg0.sire 0 0
leg0.pe 2
4 0 CORR 0.1047 !+9 !GP
-0.4579 0.7774
0.2754 -0.1683 -0.5954
3.084 0.3992 0.1963 0.8589E-01
leg0.pe 0 0
How can I mdoify this program to estimate different residual variance in
each period? (A diagonal matrix)
Thanks in advance
Jørgen Ødegård
Department of Animal Science
Agricultural University of Norway
PO box 5025
N-1432 Aas
Phone: +47 6494 7998
E-mail: jorgen.odegard@ihf.nlh.no
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