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Subject: PREDICT
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 17:41:48 +0800
From: "Clarke, Peter" <PClarke@agric.wa.gov.au>
To: "'asreml@chiswick.anprod.CSIRO.au'" <asreml@chiswick.anprod.CSIRO.au>
Dear ASREML experts,
Can someone please explain to me why ASREML seems to predict means
of a fixed factor as their overall mean?
The following simple code:
Trying to reproduce GEN20
TrialID !I
Newzone !A
Varname !A
tos !I
Year !I
Wdata.txt !skip 1
yield ~ mu c(TrialID)
predict TrialID
gives, in the correct effects in the .sln file but just the overall mean
in the .pvs file.
Peter Clarke
Asreml mailinglist archive: http://www.chiswick.anprod.csiro.au/lists/asreml