Dear Arthur,
ASReml provides BLUPs of genotype effects. In a fixed effects model, a
genotype's mean performance is simply the sum of the BLUE of its effect and
the GM. In random/mixed models, this simple sum is not the BLUP of a
genotype's mean performance. It would perhaps good if, in your final
commercial release of ASReml, you could also provide for directly obtaining
BLUPs of genotypes' mean performance, as in GenStat. I wonder whether all
users of ASReml are aware of the way in which the BLUP of mean performance
are to be obtained from the BLUP of effects!
Best regards,
Subhash :: 23 Apr 2001
Subhash Chandra, DSc
Senior Scientist (Statistics)
Genetic Resources and Enhancement Program
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
Patancheru - 502 324, AP, India
Tel: +91 40 329 6161
Fax: +91 40 329 6182
+91 40 324 1239
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