I am trying to fit a spline to some lactation data. ASREML runs when I fit the
sire (with no pedigree) as the random effect. However, when I fit animal (with
pedigree information) as the random effect I run into problems. Initially
everything seems to be going well. The output file tells me the number of
equations formed and then begins the iterations (output as follows):
Forming 173424 equations: 14 dense
>>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Iteration complete U+S=T 174.56
LogL= 0.00000 S2= 0.0000 0 df
However, then I get the message:
Last line read was: 0 0 AINV 0 0 0 0 0
19 333 42160 42160 64000
Any idea as to what the problem is? Digging around in AIXDWX did not provide an
obvious fix. (command file shown below).
Anne Winkelman
Command file:
sp95_5.as Splines
category 6 # variable 1
animal !P # variable 2
sire 1000 !I # variable 3
dam 11000 !I # variable 4
tdgroup 1400 !I # variable 5
age 5 !I # variable 6
pbreed0 # variable 7
pbreed1 # variable 8
het12 # variable 9
het13 # variable 10
het23 # variable 11
yvar # variable 12
dim !-135 !/30. # variable 13
perm 10822 !I # variable 14
phi4 4 !F # variables 15,16,17,18
rest 5 !F # variables 19,...,23
rrped95es.txt !MAKE # pedigree file: animal, sire, dam
rrphi95s.txt !NOSCRATCH !MAXIT 40
!SPLINE spl(dim,5) -4 -2 0 2 4
yvar ~ age pbreed0 pbreed1 het12 het13 het23 dim,
!r spl(dim,5) 0.05 animal animal.dim animal.spl(dim,5) 0.05 !f tdgroup
0 0 2 # R header line <sites> <dimensions> <G-structures>
animal 2
2 0 US 0.1 -0.05 0.1
animal 0 AINV
animal.spl(dim,5) 1
0 0 AINV
Note 1: using "animal.spl(dim,5) 0 AINV" as the last line made no difference
Note 2: Omitting the starting value for animal.spl(dim,5) made no difference
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