I am trying to specify own variance structures using facility OWN. Using the
'clasical' definition of the variance structure, I get the residual
component AR=0.231273.
File 'varstr.as' was:
Using own
ident !P # Animal
x # Testday
anim 2476 !I # Animal to permanent
mfi # Mean daily feed intake
iniwt # Initial weight-mean iniwt 46
birthfa 5 !I # Birth family
season 21 !I # Season
x2 # Testday*testday
apparat 26 !I # Apparat
mfi ~ mu iniwt birthfa season apparat x x2,
in.bi in.se in.app bi.se bi.app se.app
1 2 0
anim # R=IxRo
5 0 OWN1 0.01 !TR
and generated output file 'varstr.asr'
5 OWNxx 0.01
12380 records assumed sorted 5 within 2476
Forming 889 equations: 343 dense
Initial updates will be shrunk by factor 0.316
Fault 4 READING OWN structures varstr
I am working under Linux. I have tried with original MYOWNGDG.f90 in
directory $HOME/asreml/ (together with asreml) and in directory
$HOME/random/ (together with the asreml-program). File 'varstrB.own' was
also generated.
5 1 1
This file was written by ASReml for reading by your
program MYOWNGDG
ASReml writes this file, runs your program and then reads
which it presumes has the following format:
The first lines should agree with the top of this file
specifying the order of the matrices ( 5)
the number of variance parameters ( 1)
and a control parameter you can specify ( 1).
These are written in (3I5 ) format. They are followed by
the list of variance parameters written in (6D13.7) format.
Follow this with 2 matrices written in (6D13.7) format.
These are to be each of 15 elements being lower triangle
row-wise of the G matrix and its derivatives with respect to
the parameters in turn.
Any suggestions, perhaps changes of the f90-program?
Thanks in advance and have a nice weekend.
Justo Lorenzo Bermejo
§ §
§ Justo Lorenzo Bermejo §
§ Institut für Tierzucht und Tierhaltung §
§ Olshausenstr. 40 §
§ 24118 Kiel §
§ Germany &_____ §
§ / ^..^ §
§ T.n. 0431 880 7315 \_____(oo) §
§ Fax 04340 402 761 WW WW §
§ jlorenzo@tierzucht.uni-kiel.de §
§ §
La vida está hecha solo de momentos
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