Can you provide the data, the .as file and the .asr file?
It is impossible to say what your error is without this information.
Does this model run without the !bin statement?
So all dams are mated to all sires?
On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Nagda, Sonal wrote:
> I want to use asreml that handles binomial data using the logit
> transformation. The data is in binary form
> The model I am running is as follows
> (mortwn is 0 or 1)
> mortwn !bin ~ mu breed season sex typb parity !r sire dam
> But I am getting an error. Please could you let me know how to write the
> model statement for binary data.
> Sonal
> Biometrics Unit
> International Livestock Research Institute
> P.O. Box 30709
> NAIROBI, Kenya
> Tel: 254-2-630743
> Fax: 254-2-631499
> Email: s.nagda@cgiar.org
> Web: http://www.cgiar.org/ilri
> ILRI is one of 16 international agricultural research institutes
> supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural
> Research (CGIAR).
> --
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