-----Original Message-----
From: Nagda, Sonal
Sent: 30 November 2000 16:21
To: 'asreml-request@lamb.chiswick.anprod.csiro.au'
Subject: F-adj and Type III
Dear Sir,
I have just started using ASREML. I was comparing the F-adj I
ran with ASREML with the same model I also ran in SAS. When there are
interactions in the model the F-adj is quite different from the SAS type III
squares. Please could you let me know why this is the case.
Attached are the outputs for ASREML and SAS.
yrlwt3.asr for ASREML
yrwt3.lst for SAS
Thank you
Sonal Nagda
Biometrics Unit
International Livestock Research Institute
P.O. Box 30709
Tel: 254-2-630743
Fax: 254-2-631499
Email: s.nagda@cgiar.org
Web: http://www.cgiar.org/ilri
ILRI is one of 16 international agricultural research institutes
supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural
Research (CGIAR).