Re: MGS model
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Re: MGS model

I have not used the MGS model so I have not looked at this model.

I think that you don't need anything after the model statement.  I would
remove the following lines:
 0 0 1
 sire 1
 sire #0 ainv

so that the model statement is the last one line.

These lines (with additions as you need the residual component as well) 
are more important if you have multiple trait and maternal effects models.


On Mon, 7 Aug 2000, Dave Johnson wrote:

> I have run the following job successfully assuming sires independent. Things
> don't go as well if I add a relationship matrix. If the last line is specified
> as
> sire 0 ainv
> (as I think it should be ?) I get "fault 1 - failed to parse G structure line".
> If the last line is just
> sire
> (as suggested by example 9.9) I get "fault 4002 - program failed froming R
> scores". Help please.
> Region comparison of concentrations
>  key 106031 !I
>  region 6
>  jersey !/16
>  het
>  #sire  1631 !I
>  sire !P
>  mgs #!M0 !P
>  locn 14105
>  season 11 !I
>  period 3
>  cowage 4 !I
>  dim
>  logdim
>  pro_fat
>  fat%
>  prot%
> ped.txt !MGS
> regions.txt
> prot% ~ mu season period sea.per jersey het cowage region,
>  !r sire 0.207 key 1.003 locn 2.066
> 0 0 1
> sire 1
> sire #0 ainv
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