Re: Genetic groups..
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Re: Genetic groups..

Dear Norman,

While doing other things I have been thinking about your problem
which is a larger application of genetic groups than I have previously
seen in ASREML.

 damage      1           !-72
 damage2     1           !-5184
 a2age       1     !m0   !-214
 a2age2      1     !m0   !-45800
 wean              !m0
angped  !MAKE !GROUPS 84 !NEW
angdat  !maxit 1
wean ~  damage damage2 a2age a2age2 sex bstat treat !r anim dam,
       damcpe 85.0178 hys 670.1648

1 1 1
0 0 0 !S2==308.1997
anim 2
2 0 US 169.8740 -59.6598 120.5122

I tried centering the covariates and the response variable but
that did not change much.

Then I realised that ASREML is overfitting the genetic groups.
Basically, the genetic groups relate to fixed effects in the
model and by having these fitted to animal and dam, something
quite odd is happening.  My naive expectation is that all the
genetic groups for DAM would be singular.  However, the singular
effects are not not appearing in such a simple way.  Rather
the singular effects are for groups
anim           24 27 29 30 31 32 34 36 37 38 60    68 69 72 73    77 78
dam   17 19 20 24    29 30 31    34 36 37 38    65 68 69 72 73 74 77 78

which is only 36 singularities.

The following table shows the nominal number of records in each group.
Some of these are quite small and so maybe should be collapsed.

I notice to that some sires [as coded in the data file] are allocated to 
different genetic groups in the pedigree.

         1    18.875  2    19.560  3   302.744  4   342.782  5   891.693
         6  1806.936  7   956.594  8  1897.674  9  2066.808 10  2074.986
        11   436.842 12   764.472 13    93.617 14   298.535 15    79.650
        16   106.658 17   425.128 18   324.981 19   566.314 20   392.268 
        21   516.347 22   321.825 23   317.934 24   176.680 25   339.812
        26   156.023 27     4.625 28    65.926 29     4.969 30     5.340
        31    26.979 32     6.867 33     6.840 34     8.555 35    26.010
        36     5.219 37    44.930 38     2.000 39    10.832 40    49.055
        41    10.906 42    27.820 43  1005.355 44   869.233 45  1664.555
        46   847.311 47   937.452 48   738.801 49  1618.136 50   312.113
        51   692.805 52    30.875 53    17.750 54    79.463 55    89.689
        56   413.128 57   303.169 58   472.117 59   316.398 60   209.846
        61   111.752 62   413.503 63   305.169 64   554.152 65   328.898
        66   118.273 67    20.719 68     3.312 69     4.715 70    67.793
        71    26.947 72     6.750 73     6.688 74     4.031 75     3.809
        76    44.234 77    25.822 78    13.863 79     4.625 80     1.094
        81     1.094 82    40.305 83     0.906 84     9.738 28739 28739.000

I tried rescaling the data (by 100) in case the problem is failure 
to detect singularities.  This seems not the case.

I'm now not sure that I do expect 84 singularities as the genetic
group construction is probably based on these effects being at the
animal level.  I think this needs a bit of investigation on a smaller
data set where we can fit the genetic groups in a direct manner.

Unfortunately I've run out of time before heading to UK to advance this much 


ASREML will encounter the singularities in an unpredictable order
so what we have no expectation as to which effects will appear singular.
If solved in a different order, the singularities wuld probably move.

Arthur Gilmour PhD        
Principal Research Scientist (Biometrics)            fax: <61> 2 6391 3899
NSW Agriculture                                           <61> 2 6391 3922
Orange Agricultural Institute             telephone work: <61> 2 6391 3815
Forest Rd, ORANGE, 2800, AUSTRALIA                  home: <61> 2 6362 0046

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