Dear friends,
I thank all those who have supported me and ASREML during 1999.
I had hoped to have a reduced rank model in by now but it has not
happened so you can look forward to that in 2000. The theory
has been developed by Alison Smith with input from Robin and Brian.
The Splus interface is working well, developed by David Butler,
but has not been distributed because of plans to commercialize
ASREML by the end of 2000 through a company set up at Rothamsted.
We have had several visits during 1999 from our Rothamsted colleages
(Sue, SImon and Robin).
Bev Gogel has revised the manual in preparation for commercialization.
She is also visiting Rothamsted to develop prediction procedures
for ASREML which I hope to then implement in March.
Following are some personal thoughts on Christmas and the new millenium.
While 2000 represents the anniversary of the birth of Jesus, Christians
are looking forward to His return. However, Jesus declares no-one
will know the actual date until it happens. If it was to be 2000 years
from his birth, we are not sure of the exact date of His birth.
If 2000 years is significant (and there is no direct statement in
the bible that it is), it is more likely 2000 years from His death,
or even 2000 'prophetic' years (= 1971 years).
Nevertheless, many things happening in the world today point to the
fact that His return is 'nearer than when we first believed'.
Jesus means 'God our Saviour' and He was named that 'because He will
save His people from their sins'. Most of you probably know I believe
in Him that I 'might have eternal life'. John's gospel declares that
Jesus is more than a good compassionate man, a wise teacher and a victim
of political intrigue. He is in fact the creator who came into His
creation as a man, lived a sinless life and then was legally executed
for my sin and your sin. He then rose again and gives forgiveness
to all who receive Him. However, because God is just and sovereign,
He will eventually call all to account. Those who have rejected
His offer of forgiveness will experience the punishment themselves.
I would be happy to send a bible, a video of Jesus or a leaflet
explaining a little better what the Bible says of these things if
you like to ask.
So, for now let me wish you all God's blessing for this Christmas and
for 2000. If taking holidays, have a relaxing time and take care.
Arthur Gilmour PhD
Principal Research Scientist (Biometrics) fax: <61> 2 6391 3899
NSW Agriculture <61> 2 6391 3922
Orange Agricultural Institute telephone work: <61> 2 6391 3815
Forest Rd, ORANGE, 2800, AUSTRALIA home: <61> 2 6362 0046
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