Re: AS-REML for stillbirth
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Re: AS-REML for stillbirth

Dear Mike,

From the information you supply, ASREML can handle the problem for a moderate
(say < 40,000) calves.  From your description, I presume you will prepare a sire
pedigree file (which includes all sires and maternal grandsires)

i.e.  sire.ped  contains 3 fields
sire sire_of_sire  dam or mgs  

Assuming I understand the model you want (as there are many possabilities)
the ASREML job might be something like

Still birth study
 sire !P
 mgs !P
 sex 2     
 hys  2222    #  where 2222 is number of HYS
sire.ped   !skip 1    # !mgs
stillbirth ~ sex !r sire mgs !f hys    # Normal trait
stillbirth !bin ~ sex !r sire mgs !f hys # Binomial trait

I would fit this first, and when you have values for the
sire and mgs variance components,  extend the model to estimate their 
covariance by appending

0 0 1
sire 2
2 0 US   s-s   s-mgs   mgs-mgs
sire 0 AINV

where  s-s is replaced by the sire variance component,
       s-mgs  by the covariance
       mgs-mgs by the maternal variance component.

> X-Authentication-Warning: petidomo set sender 
to using -f
> From: "Mingfeng Luo" <>
> To:
> Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 10:33:15 EDT
> Subject: AS-REML for stillbirth
>  I try to estimate the genetic parameters of stillbirth of dairy 
>  cattle cattle. The model includes the sex effect of calf, HYS as 
>  random effects, sire and maternal grandsire as random genetic 
>  effects.
>  Can AS-REML this problem?
>  Thanks in advance.
>  Mike Luo
> **********************************
> *  Mike F. Luo                   *
> *  Animal & Poultry Science      * 
> *  Unversity of Guelph           *
> *  Guelph, ON, N1G 2W1           * 
> *  Tel: (519)824-4120 X 8354     *         
> *  Fax: (519)767-0573            * 
> **********************************                                   
> --
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