Problem reading pedigree
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Problem reading pedigree

Hi ASRemlers,

I'm working in an analysis with a pedigree involving ~84,000 
individuals. When running the program I get an error reading the 
pedigree. The error message includes maxPED=500,000, which I assume is 
the maximum number of individuals that ASReml can analyse with the 
assigned memory. Does anyone know what is happening here?

I'm running the program with option -s3. Changing to -s4 or -s5 doesn't 
change anything, even when running in DOS mode ASReml should be able to 
access that much memory.

>Error message
maxPED=      500000 Individual           1 of       83988
 Overflow or error processing pedigree:
 Maybe increase MEMORY (-Ss) option or verify pedigree file
 Getting Pedigree c:\fri\sub3_p.dat                          
  Last line read was:  253257 23949 0           
     5     1     -1     0   9000
 Currently defined structures, COLS and LEVELS
 tree         -1    -1     site         -2     2     rep          -3    
 diall        -4     2     dbh          -5     1
 c:\fri\tst33m1.asr                     Pedigree too big! or in error         
Fault            1 Getting Pedigree c:\fri\sub3_p.dat                          
 WARNING: Extra lines on the end of the input file are ignored from
 c:\fri\sub3_d.dat !filter 2 !select 33 !maxit 30                        

univariate diameter analysis subset3 (1 random effect)
 tree !P
 site  2 !I
 rep  50 
 diall 2 !I
c:\fri\sub3_p.dat !MAKE
c:\fri\sub3_d.dat !filter 2 !select 33 !maxit 30
dbh~mu rep !r tree

Thanks in advance,


Luis A. Apiolaza
Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences
Massey University
Palmerston North
New Zealand

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