I was doing some ASREMLing with the PC version of the
program (downloaded on Jan 25, so I think it is the
most recent version). I have a few little queries:-
(a) Some of my runs didn't produce .asr files having
converged - the plot of residuals came up, I
closed it (using the button in the top right
corner - should I just have pressed return?), and
the job ended with no .asr. When rerun with the
-l option (to turn off the graphics -is this the
only way to do this?), the runs produced .asr files.
(b) I tried asreml -Pxx.asr yy.pin
and asreml -lPxx.asr yy.pin but couldn't get it to
run - it went into some kind of menu mode and wanted
a .as file. Suggestions?
(c) I had !M. in my .as file and it was reported as an
invalid option and ignored. Is this because . is the
default for missing values?
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