Re: regression analysis(2)

From: Olori, Victor <volori_at_AVIAGEN.COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 10:06:40 -0000

Hi Mariam,

I think you probably have too many elements in you starting covariance
matrix for a quadratic polynomial. i.e. for pol(assess,2) you need only
6 elements. This is the error message coming from your .asr file at
present. I have modified you code below by putting a hash at the
beginning of the last line of you starting values. Personally instead of
using ide(anim), I will create another column in the data with the hen
ids exactly the same as the animal id in each row but call this new
column HEN I will use this as the second random term to take care of the
permanent environmental term but lets try your approach. . I have
included HEN it in your as file below but commented it out for now. I
don't know how you laid out your data and pedigree files. Can I assume
you have a pedigree file indexped.txt with just animal sire and dam? Do
you have repeated animal ids in this pedigree file? I would ensure I
have unique animals. Now you need to sort your data by ASSESS so that
(assuming this trait ranges from 1 to 13) all animals with a value at
'assess' class 1 will be at the top followed by 2 etc to 13. This is
very important if you assume heterogeneous error variance which right
now you don't so perhaps it will not matter but I will do it to be on
the safe side. Another thing is that it is sometimes better to scale
you age trait (assess) especially if it does not range neatly from 1 to
13 but those are final refinements.

So Try this ;

 RECORD !M -99
# HEN 2518 # where 2518 is the number (levels) of animals in
the file.
alllnew.txt !MAXIT 20
pol(ASSESS,2).ide(ANIM) !f mv
0 0 2
pol(ASSESS,2).ANIM 2
3 0 US !GP +6
0.01 0.1
0.01 0.01 0.1
#0.01 0.01 0.01 0.1
ANIM 0 ainv
pol(ASSESS,2).ide(ANIM) 2
3 0 US !GP +6
0.01 0.1
0.01 0.01 0.1
#0.01 0.01 0.01 0.1
ide(ANIM) 0 0




Good luck.


Dr. Victor E. Olori


Aviagen Limited

Newbridge Midlothian

EH28 8SZ

Scotland, UK.

Tel +44 (0) 131 3331056


-----Original Message-----
From: ASReml users discussion group [mailto:ASREML-L_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU] On
Behalf Of maryam
Sent: 17 February 2010 08:42
Subject: Re: regression analysis(2)


Dear Ruhallah,
Thanks so much for your reply,
but again when i run the job i cant get results!
please if you have time help me more,
all the best,


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