GXE Terms in Diallel Analysis

From: hhung <asremlforum_at_VSNI.CO.UK>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 22:14:52 +0000

Dear all,

I am trying to run a diallel analysis in a Linux machine. (I tried to run in windows version too.) It went OK when I ran a simple model like this:

lnrot ~ mu p1 and(p2) p1.p2 !r loc rep.loc block.rep

However, when I tried to model the GXE term, I modified my model like this:

lnrot ~ mu p1 and(p2) p1.p2 !r loc rep.loc block.rep loc.p1 -loc.p2 and(loc.p2)

The program crashed right away in either windows or Linux machine. I used the same code for all the environment setting for both models but when I added the GXE terms, it just quit running and produce the error message below:

forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image PC Routine Line Source
asreml 00000000004BA65E Unknown Unknown Unknown
asreml 00000000004B2C6D Unknown Unknown Unknown
asreml 00000000005135B5 Unknown Unknown Unknown
asreml 0000000000427B86 Unknown Unknown Unknown
asreml 000000000049C7FE Unknown Unknown Unknown
asreml 000000000040B3EA Unknown Unknown Unknown
libc.so.6 0000003460C1C3FB Unknown Unknown Unknown
asreml 000000000040B32A Unknown Unknown Unknown

I consulted a computer scientist and he told me this is because the program is trying to access some inaccessible part of the computer. I am just wondering since I did not change anything between two models, if there is some problem associated with the GXE term in ASReml model? Thank you so very much for the help,

All the best,

Hsiaoyi Hung

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