Dear Jeremy,
No, sorry, it is not possible to do the bivariate binomial-normal in ASReml-R at present. It is on the todo list for the next ASReml-R release.
We would also like to add a general caution that ASReml uses the PQL technique to estimate this model. We have included this PQL technique for fitting GLMMs for the benefit of advanced users. It is well-known that PQL can give quite biased results for univariate data, as discussed in section 6.8, p112 (138) of the ASreml manual. We expect that these biases could also be non-negligible with bivariate analysis like this, especially if you have low numbers of individuals per sire (e.g. <20, say).
Dr Damian Collins, Senior Biometrician, I&I NSW
on behalf of the ASReml Project Team
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Received on Fri Feb 05 2010 - 23:19:03 EST
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