We're currently testing a version of AS-REML in the lab and I'm running into an issue with what appears to be a maximum on the size of an input file that I can use. If I run asreml on the following .csv file:
a .as control file is automatically generated. However, it appears many entries are missing. Despite the fact that the data file contains some ~94 columns, only 21 columns are listed in the resulting .as file. And when I attempt to run this .as file, I get the following error:
Maximum record length [4096] exceeded when reading Male
And only the first line is read.
Have I hit a maximum size for input files? The input file doesn't seem that large....
Many thanks,
-------------------- m2f --------------------
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-------------------- m2f --------------------
Received on Fri Jan 22 2010 - 13:37:50 EST
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