Re: Unmatched MBF data value while analyzing SNP markers

From: Fikret Isik <fisik_at_UNITY.NCSU.EDU>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 12:04:23 -0500

Dear Arthur,

Thank you for your comments.
After testing the possibilities you indicated in your email, the
repeated message 'Unmatched MBF data value...' cluttering the .asr file

The source of the problem was the way parents and clones were coded in
the pedigree and data files. In the pedigree file, I had 17 trees as the
parents and 136 trees as clones. Instead of coding clones starting with
18, I had clone codes starting with 101 (to 236). The clones in the data
file were also coded from 101 to 136.

The program looks for marker data for the non-existent clones (18 to
100) because it reorders the trees in the pedigree file from 1 to 153
(17+136) and reports the 'Unmatched MFB data value...' message for all
non-existent clones and repeats the same message for about 3000 markers.

That makes the .asr output file very large!


Arthur wrote:
> Dear Fikret,
> Without seeing the detail of the data file and mbf file, I cannot be
> definite.
> One possability is that you are using the clone identities in the mbf
> file but you need to use the coded clone values. For example, your
> data file has identies
> 101, 9, 11 for the first record. If this was the first line of the
> pedigree, then
> the coded order would probably be
> 11
> 9
> 101
> so marker data for individual named '101'
> would need to have code '3' in the mbf file
> So the message suggests to me that there is data for the 100th clone
> (as ordered by the pedigree) but there is no clone '100' in the mbf file.
> Indeed, it appears 101 is the lowest value.
> If this is the case, on initial solution might be to duplicate the 'clone'
> filed in the data file (say call the copy CLONEID
> and then refer to CLONEID in the !MBF line.
> If this is not the issue, I'll be happy to consider further.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Arthur Gilmour
> Retired Principal Research Scientist (Biometrics)
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Received on Fri Dec 10 2009 - 12:04:23 EST

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