EMFLAG option in ASReml-3

From: Craig Hardner <c.hardner_at_UQ.EDU.AU>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 16:18:08 +1000



I have got an RR analysis where I am getting negative sum of squares
(Please find code below). I am interested in seeing if the EMFLAG
options can help (on the other hand I may not have enough data to do
what I am thinking of).


Nevertheless my question is about the syntax for using the EMFLAG. As
you can see I have tried !EMFLAG 7 (I have also tried other numbers) but
nothing seems to come up in the .asr file indicating that EM has been
used (and the negative sums of squares appears and the run crashes).


All I am wondering is if I have the syntax right?


Thanking you kindly


"T00_06.adata.csv" !skip 1 !EMFLAG 7 !mvinclude !maxiter 40 !nodisplay


newy ~ ,


# at(AgeF).lin(Row),

# at(AgeF,1,2).lin(Sp),

# at(AgeF,1,3).lin(Row).lin(Sp),






    !f mv


1 2 2

4 AgeF DIAG 0.0022 0.0008 0.0005 0.002

1152 0 ID !S2==1


leg(age,2).Genotype 2

leg(age,2) 0 US 0.0234 0.0042 0.0021 0.0004 0.0001 0.0002 !GP

Genotype 0 ID


leg(age,2).Ind 2

leg(age,2) 0 US 0.02 0.0053 0.002 0.0003 0.0003 0.0002 !GP

Ind 0 ID



Dr Craig Hardner

Research Fellow

School of Land, Crop and Food Sciences

University of Queensland

St Lucia 4072 Queensland, Australia

ph: +61 7 3346 9465

email: craig.hardner_at_uq.edu.au <mailto:craig.hardner_at_uq.edu.au>

Received on Thu Nov 18 2009 - 16:18:08 EST

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