does anyone of asreml users in legendre polynomial random regression models experianced situations in which hundreds to thousand iteration to convergence?
could it be natural?
I faced this problem in most of my analyses in rrm frame and don't know how to get rid of it.
thanks for any recomendation.
--- On Sun, 4/5/09, bgudex <asremlforum_at_VSNI.CO.UK> wrote:
From: bgudex <asremlforum_at_VSNI.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Random Regression - maternal effects
Date: Sunday, April 5, 2009, 5:25 AM
Thanks Arthur.
One other question - I've been asking a few people around here what the best way of determining what order polynomial to use in the fixed regression component of the random regression model?
It has been suggested that I consider either the F value for leg(age,1) but it doesn't appear in my output files or to compare the var(e) from different orders of fit. Is there any way of getting an F value?
Many thanks
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