Failed while ordering equations

From: tpritchard <asremlforum_at_VSNI.CO.UK>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 12:40:32 +0100

Thank you for the quick response I had to my previous email. I have that model working now which involved 1 lactation but now I am having a problem where I have three.

I have 3 lactations and I am fitting legendre polynomial order 1 (DIM, 1) as a random effect (AS file below) . Therefore I have a 6*6 matrix (3 lactations * 2), however I have the warning below and I have the result 'failed while ordering equations.'

Should Sire 0 AINV and Cow 0 0 be moved to go below the line

Many thanks again.

asr file
Structure for leg(DIM,1).Sire.Lactation has 966054 levels defined
Warning: leg(DIM,1).Sire.Lactation is a 2 x483027 interaction.
          Are you sure the G structure matches it? 6 x161009
          Sire.Lactation is a161009 x 3 interaction.
 Warning: Eigen analysis check of US matrix skipped
      6 UnStructure 0.4897 0.0026 0.4971 0.0000 0.0000 0.6034
    0.0000 0.0000 0.0056 0.6175 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
    0.6034 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0056 0.6175
  43952 identity
 Structure for leg(DIM,1).Cow.Lactation has 263712 levels defined
 Warning: leg(DIM,1).Cow.Lactation is a 2 x131856 interaction.
          Are you sure the G structure matches it? 6 x 43952
          Cow.Lactation is a 43952 x 3 interaction.
 Forming 1434285 equations: 1 dense.
 Initial updates will be shrunk by factor 0.001
as file
 Sire 1654 !P
 Cow 43952 !I
 Lactation 3
 HTD 193060 !I
 SeasonSubClass 151 !I
 DIM !-154.5 !/150
 CalvingYear 13 !I
 SCC1000 !M0
 lnSCC !=SCC1000 !^0 !M0
../SCC_08092009_data.dat !CSV !MAXIT 100 !STEP 0.001 !MVREMOVE
lnSCC ~ mu leg(DIM,4).Lactation.SeasonSubClass CalvingYear Het1 Recomb1,
!r leg(DIM,1).Sire.Lactation leg(DIM,1).Cow.Lactation,
!f HTD
12 1 2
26688 0 0 !s2=1.07909 #lactation 1 dim 4 to 24
34017 0 0 !s2=0.65971 #lactation 1 dim 25 to 49
279948 0 0 !s2=0.433130 #lactation 1 dim 50 to 249
71752 0 0 !s2=0.348163 #lactation 1 dim 250 to 305
27272 0 0 !s2=1.11597 #lactation 2 dim 4 to 24
34546 0 0 !s2=0.795914 #lactation 2 dim 25 to 49
280210 0 0 !s2=0.482311 #lactation 2 dim 50 to 249
71632 0 0 !s2=0.319387 #lactation 2 dim 250 to 305
26964 0 0 !s2=1.26890 #lactation 3 dim 4 to 24
33975 0 0 !s2=0.882747 #1actation 3 dim 25 to 49
270069 0 0 !s2=0.538574 #lactation 3 dim 50 to 249
63271 0 0 !s2=0.347832 #lactation 3 dim 250 to 305
6 0 US !+21
-0.00346642 0.0425384
0.0 0.0 0.0634254
0.0 0.0 0.0106747 0.0704660
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0634254
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0106747 0.0704660
Sire 0 AINV
6 0 US !+21
0.00261273 0.497089
0.0 0.0 0.603377
0.0 0.0 0.00561644 0.617541
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.603377
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00561644 0.617541
Cow 0 0

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Received on Fri Sep 24 2009 - 12:40:32 EST

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