residual covariance (repeated measures)

From: Craig Hardner <c.hardner_at_UQ.EDU.AU>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 09:13:09 +1000

Dear folks


Thanks for your time.


I am trying to figure out the correct code in R to a repeated measure
analysis on unequal numbers of observations with 1 trait measured on 2
occasions. 417 plants were assessed in year 2 and 590 plants were
assessed in year 2. 81 plants were assessed in both years. We are trying
to build a var-cov matrix at both G and R, with a relationship matrix at
G (about 15 parents used in crossing scheme).


The data is listed in long format and sorted by Year, i.e.

Year 1 data

Year 2 data


I am wondering, is it possible to specify a multivariate rcov matrix
without having to put dummy records in for both traits to balance the
data set?


When I use








I get errors from ASreml expecting balanced data set






Dr Craig Hardner

Research Fellow

School of Land, Crop and Food Sciences

University of Queensland

St Lucia 4072 Queensland, Australia

ph: +61 7 3346 9465


Received on Thu Sep 23 2009 - 09:13:09 EST

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