Dear Emily,
Following on from Brian's comments, there are two changes required in the coding to get the analyses to agree.
First, Rep was not flagged as a FACTOR.
Since it had 2 levels, it did the right analysis but the scale was wrong.
So changing Rep
to Rep *
fixes that.
Second. Unlike many other packages, ASReml expect you to formally
include the intercept in the model if you want it. So, you had 20 clones
and 20 df for Clone from ASReml, but 19 df from SAS.
Changing the model to
Weight ~ mu Clone !r Rep
fixes thay.
So to conclude,
RCB with one fixed effect
Clone !A
Row 5
Plot 8
Rep *
rcb.csv !skip 1 !mvinclude !maxiter 40 !nodisplay
Weight ~ mu Clone !r Rep
0 0 0
gives results
8 LogL=-103.911 S2= 5379.6 20 df 0.3798 1.000
Final parameter values 0.37977 1.0000
- - - Results from analysis of Weight - - -
Approximate stratum variance decomposition
Stratum Degrees-Freedom Variance Component Coefficients
Rep 1.00 46240.0 20.0 1.0
Residual Variance 19.00 5379.58 0.0 1.0
Source Model terms Gamma Component Comp/SE % C
Rep 2 2 0.379773 2043.02 0.62 0 P
Variance 40 20 1.00000 5379.58 3.08 0 P
Wald F statistics
Source of Variation NumDF DenDF F-inc P-inc
8 mu 1 1.0 83.45 0.069
1 Clone 19 19.0 1.19 0.353
which agrees with SAS.
Arthur Gilmour
Retired Principal Research Scientist (Biometrics)
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Received on Sat Sep 18 2009 - 05:27:37 EST
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