Dear Mr edeomano(?)
you wrote
Here are the codes/model I used and corresponding output:
ASREML MODEL: Weight ~ Clone !r Rep
- - - Results from analysis of Weight - - -
Approximate stratum variance decomposition
Stratum Degrees-Freedom Variance Component Coefficients
Rep 1.00 46241.7 10.0 1.0
Residual Variance 19.00 5379.58 0.0 1.0
Source Model terms Gamma Component Comp/SE % C
Rep 1 1 0.759547 4086.04 0.62 0 P
Variance 40 20 1.00000 5379.58 3.08 0 P
Wald F statistics
Source of Variation NumDF DenDF F_inc Prob
1 Clone 20 18.7 3.16 0.008
proc mixed data=data1 method=reml;
class rep clone;
model weight=clone;
random rep;
The Mixed Procedure
Covariance Parameter
Cov Parm Estimate
Rep 2043.02
Residual 5379.58
Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects
Num Den
Effect DF DF F Value Pr > F
Clone 19 19 1.19 0.3526
my reply
1. It is very hard to tell without the asreml job and the data
2. the REML estimate of rep variance for ASreml appears to be 2*SAS value
3. There appears to be 20 df for Clones in the ASReml job but 19 for SAS.
I gather it is a trial with 2 reps
4. perhaps send the asreml job and I may be able to help resolve this for
warm regards
Brian Cullis|Research Leader, Biometrics &
Senior Principal Research Scientist |
Industry & Investment NSW | Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute | Pine
Gully Road | Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 |
PMB | Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
T: 02 6938 1855 | F: 02 6938 1809 | E:,au
W: |
Visiting Professorial Fellow
School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics
Faculty of Informatics
University of Wollongong
Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
The University of Sydney
Adjunct Professor
School of Computing and Mathematics
Charles Sturt University
Received on Sat Sep 18 2009 - 11:27:44 EST
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