Dear Li,
I fitted a model in Standalone ASReml 3 and that returned DF.
My model is a little different from yours and shows interaction.
The ASReml code was
Title: ecoli_633.
trial !A
treatment !A
block !A
chamber *
plate *
ecoli_633.txt !SKIP 1 !WMF !FCON
!SPLINE spl(sdate,8) 14 28 56 75 100 125 150 180
logcount ~ mu trial*treat*sdate , # Specify fixed model
!r spl(sdate,8) trial.spl(sdate,8) trial.block/chamber fac(sdate) treat.spl(sdate,8) # Specify random model
predict trial treat sdate 7 14 20 28 34 48 69 83 100 112 125 133 150 174 205 !PLOT ^super treat ^xaxis sdate !ignore fac(sdate)
2 LogL=-556.754 S2= 0.79467 1146 df
3 LogL=-556.754 S2= 0.79467 1146 df
4 LogL=-556.754 S2= 0.79467 1146 df
- - - Results from analysis of logcount - - -
Approximate stratum variance decomposition
Stratum Degrees-Freedom Variance Component Coefficients
treat.spl(sdate,8 8.37 2.11648 7.8 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.0
trial.spl(sdate,8 13.59 9.93321 0.0 5.3 4.8 -0.3 1.0
fac(sdate) 7.24 34.5840 0.0 0.0 89.4 1.4 1.0
trial.block.chamb 17.49 2.06647 0.0 0.0 0.0 58.6 1.0
Residual Variance 1099.31 0.794673 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
Source Model terms Gamma Component Comp/SE % C
spl(sdate,8) 6 6 0.319382E-09 0.253804E-09 0.00 0 B
trial.block 9 9 0.404772E-09 0.321661E-09 0.00 0 B
treat.spl(sdate,8) 12 12 0.200197 0.159091 1.20 0 P
trial.spl(sdate,8) 18 18 1.74044 1.38308 1.86 0 P
fac(sdate) 21 21 0.475203 0.377631 1.86 0 P
trial.block.chamber 27 27 0.272976E-01 0.216926E-01 1.82 0 P
Variance 1158 1146 1.00000 0.794673 23.44 0 P
Warning: Code B - fixed at a boundary (!GP) F - fixed by user
? - liable to change from P to B P - positive definite
C - Constrained by user (!VCC) U - unbounded
S - Singular Information matrix
S means there is no information in the data for this parameter.
Very small components with Comp/SE ratios of zero sometimes indicate poor
scaling. Consider rescaling the design matrix in such cases.
Wald F statistics
Source of Variation NumDF DenDF_con F-inc F-con M P-con
9 mu 1 8.0 282.69 194.44 . <.001
1 trial 2 27.8 12.09 13.60 A <.001
2 treatment 1 1107.1 76.58 76.81 A <.001
3 sdate 1 8.0 33.98 33.33 A <.001
10 trial.treat 2 1107.3 263.64 250.14 B <.001
11 trial.sdate 2 13.3 0.86 0.88 B 0.440
12 treat.sdate 1 1104.4 12.52 12.52 B <.001
13 trial.treat.sdate 2 1103.0 13.79 13.79 C <.001
Note the use of fac(sdate) to smooth the predicted response profile
The pvs file is attached.
Arthur Gilmour
Retired Principal Research Scientist (Biometrics)
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