Dear Arthur and others,
We have a question about the estimation of contrasts. If you look at the
solutions of the fixed effects (in the .sln file) from a mixed model
analysis, we get the following results:
code estimate s.e.
99 0.000 0.00
10 0.385 0.227
11 0.764 0.207
12 0.975 0.226
Based on these solutions we would expect the following contrasts between
classes 10 and 12 of about -0.59
If we estimate the contrast using !CONTRAST we get -0.297 (with s.e. of
Do we overlook something?
Thanks in Advance,
Henk Bovenhuis and Bart Ducro
Wageningen University
The Netherlands
Received on Thu Sep 02 2009 - 10:00:14 EST
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