Dear Jerko
My recommendation is first
to fit env as a fixed effect
second, to omit the gen main effect when fitting a structure to the
interaction since the genetic correlation in the structure
is the gen main effect.
yield !wt weight ~ mu env !r gen.env
1 1 1
0 !S2==1.0
gen.env 2
gen 0 GIV1
env 0 CORUV .5 1.
Now your previous runs should allow a better starting value where I have 0.5 and 1
You previously have V(giv(gen)) and V(gen.env)
replace 1 with V(giv(gen)) + V(gen.env)
and 0.5 with V(giv(gen)) /(V(giv(gen)) + V(gen.env))
Once this runs, you can try CORUH, FA1, and XFA models
I trust this gets you going.
There is a longer draft exposition of these I think at
in a file called something like CHasrxfa.pdf
Arthur Gilmour
Retired Principal Research Scientist (Biometrics)
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