I would like to fit a heterogeneous variance model for a data from an
across location Randomized Complete Block design, equivalent to SA PROC
MIXED statement as shown below along with the output from SAS. I will
appreciate if anyone can provide the appropriate syntax in ASREML for
the R matrix.
proc mixed data = temp;
class rep location pedigree;
model fruit_set_mean = pedigree location pedigree*location /
random rep(location);
repeated / group = location r rcorr;
Covariance Parameter Estimates
Cov Parm Group Estimate
Rep(Location) 0.002700
Residual Location L1 0.01740
Residual Location L2 0.005008
Residual Location L3 0.004578
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Received on Sat Aug 21 2009 - 14:38:42 EST
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