Dear Brian,
Thanks you for your answer. I need to undestand more about how to determine K in the formulae AIC = -2*l + 2*K .
I have a model with both fixed effects and random effects, so if I consider K as the number of variance parameters estimated [ K = length(obj$gammas) ], two models with a different number of fixed effects will lead to the same value of K, so there is actually no penality for adding extra fixed parameters. So how can I consider fixed parameters in calculating K?
PS: Yes, I will be glad to receive the paper you talked about, dealing with issues about AIC in linear mixed models. Thank you for attaching it to me by e-mail:
SAIDOU Abdoul-Aziz
PhD student SupAgro-Montpellier/University of Niamey
UMR DIAPC, IRD Montpellier Center
911, Avenue Agropolis BP 64501 34394 Montpellier FRANCE
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