Binary Data with missing values

From: Clempson, Andrew Martin <aclempson_at_RVC.AC.UK>
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 11:16:07 +0100

Dear All


I wonder if someone could provide advice on dealing with missing values
in binary data models.


I am in the process of performing association studies between SNPs and
pregnancy status in cows. I have genotypic information on approximately
90% of animals and pregnancy status data on approximately 80% of animals
(coded as 0 = pregnant, 1 = not pregnant).


At the moment, my model is very simple -


Fertility Analysis


 Sire !P

 Dam !P

 Herd !I




Pedigree.ped !MAKE !SORT !REPEAT

Pregnancy.csv !CSV !MAXIT 100 !EXTRA 20 !MVINCLUDE !SKIP 1 !DISPLAY 15

PregnancyStatus !BIN ~ mu Herd Age SNP1 !r ANIMALID



The model only runs when the !MVINCLUDE qualifier is specified, however,
I am trying to find a way of excluding missing values, as including them
interferes with the result. Using MVEXCLUDE / MVREMOVE causes the model
to fail.


I would be very grateful for any replies,

Many thanks




Received on Thu Jul 08 2009 - 11:16:07 EST

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