Mean of breeding values different from 0 / covariance issue

From: tommy92 <asremlforum_at_VSNI.CO.UK>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 13:04:01 +0100

Hello everyone,

I have two issues with pedigree analysis.
The first one is that the mean of the Breeding Values for different traits is not equal to zero (even far from 0). Is there a problem?

The command line is like this:
Weight ~ mu Age Sex !r ID ide(ID) YearBirth Year

The second issue is about covariance analysis. When launching the model, it gives an error instead of the matrix of variance/covariance:
"REQUIRE !ASUV qualifier for this R structure"
However, I'm using an "individual" model, whitout any group or family.
Is it a problem with the command line?
Trait1 Trait2 ~ Trait Trait.Age !r Trait.ID Trait.ide(ID) Trait.YearBirth Trait.Year

1 2 4
Trait 0 US

Trait.ID 2
Trait 0 US

Trait.ide(ID) 2
Trait 0 US

Trait.YearBirth 2
Trait 0 US

Trait.Year 2
Trait 0 US

Thank you in advance!

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