Meeting with HY-Line

From: Jesus Arango <JArango_at_HYLINE.COM>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 16:15:54 -0500

Dear Dr. Gilmour:

I would like to thank you for taking time to meet with us last night. It was a pleasure and a real privilege to spend some time with you, and to have the opportunity of knowing you better at the personal level. Your contributions to the fields of plant and animal breeding and genetics have been extraordinary, and it is exciting to envision the possibilities to interact with you about some ideas to improve our breeding program at Hy-Line.

I will be in touch with you at a later date to define in more details a possible consultant agreement.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your visit to Pioneer and Iowa. I wish you a safe trip back to your home.

 Thank you for your attention and assistance.

Kind regards,

Jesus A. Arango, DVM, PhD
Statistical Geneticist
Hy-Line International
2583 240th street
PO Box 310
Dallas Center, IA 50063, USA
Phone: +1 515 992 3730 x 238
Fax: +1 515 992 3203
Cell: +1 515 707 0589
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Received on Tue Apr 06 2009 - 16:15:54 EST

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