Dear Boyd,
ASReml returns the Wald F statistic for the whole leg(age,p) term
but you would like to know whether the highest order term is
significant. I.e. is leg(age,3) significantly better than
Now the first 3 columns of the design matrix for leg(age,3) are
identical to the 3 columns of the design matrix for leg(age,2).
So, look at the .sln file and find the 4 coefficents for the leg(age,3)
term. Consider the 4th coefficient and construct a t statistic as its
ratio to its standard error.
You can convert that to an F statistic by squaring it.
This F value is the F value for adding this effect last to the whole
model. So, given you also know the denominatior degrees of freedom
(assume it is the same for all 4 effects and ASReml can calculate it
using !DDF). You can test whether the highest order term is
If you decide to drop it, you will need to refit the (reduced) model to
test the next term.
You should note reduce it below the power involved in any interaction
(random) terms.
I trust that helps.
On Sun, 2009-04-05 at 01:55 +0100, bgudex wrote:
> Thanks Arthur.
> One other question - I've been asking a few people around here what
> the best way of determining what order polynomial to use in the fixed
> regression component of the random regression model?
> It has been suggested that I consider either the F value for
> leg(age,1) but it doesn't appear in my output files or to compare the
> var(e) from different orders of fit. Is there any way of getting an F
> value?
> Many thanks
> Boyd
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-- May the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ guide and bless you. Arthur Gilmour PS Are you anxious? Mobile Number +61 427 227 468 Home phone +61 2 6364 3288 Skype: Arthur.Gilmour Wisdom is justified by all her children Luke 7:35 Travel: USA 1-11 April Tas 11-16 May Brazil Jul27 - Aug 8 UK Aug 10-14Received on Tue Apr 06 2009 - 09:54:53 EST
This webpage is part of the ASReml-l discussion list archives 2004-2010. More information on ASReml can be found at the VSN website. This discussion list is now deprecated - please use the VSN forum for discussion on ASReml. (These online archives were generated using the hypermail package.)