Re: !VCC Constrain

From: Arthur Gilmour <arthur.gilmour_at_CARGOVALE.COM.AU>
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2009 00:29:40 +1100

On Thu, 2009-04-02 at 14:21 +0300, Hikmet Ozturk wrote:
> Hello,
> 1- Please let me know that when I used !D qualifier to discard some
> level from analyze, I see estimation for discarded level in .sln file.
> Is it normal?

Dear Hikmet

ASReml defines levels of factors as it reads the data, and before it
discards levels (requested by !D). Therefore, even if all instances
of a particular level are missing, the level itself is still defined and
will appear in the .sln file (in the simple case with a predicted value
of zero)

> 2- When I try to constrain the model with the syntax as below, I get a
> message as "forrtl: severe (157): Program Exception - access violation".
> However, when I changed !CYCLE qualifier with only 20 30 40 or 20 30 40
> it works. If the number in CYCLE qualifier more than 3 or other than
> these numbers, I always get the same message.What cause this problem?
> Thanks in advance for your response.

* The message represents a CRASH of the program; which is not meant to
I gather the CRASH happens before it fits any models.
It would be good to establish that the job runs if !CYCLE is commented
and the !VCC lines are

12 9 * 50
13 10 * 50
14 11 * 50

There is nothing obviously wrong with the code.

You could run the job with -dl options and send me the resulting .asr and .asl files,
or send me the job and data, and I will check it out.

> Best regards
> Hikmet Ozturk
> !VCC 3
> !CYCLE 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 !JOIN
> boy8 ~ mu site site.rep site.set.rep !r site.fam
> 3 1 1
> 4747 0 IDEN !S2=4106.82
> 3031 0 IDEN !S2=7213.80
> 2421 0 IDEN !S2=8956.21
> site.fam 2
> site 0 DIAG 345.4339 667.9842 1503.46
> fam 0 IDEN
> 12 9 * $I
> 13 10 * $I
> 14 11 * $I
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May the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ guide and bless you.
Arthur Gilmour
PS Are you anxious?
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Received on Sun Apr 04 2009 - 00:29:40 EST

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