Re: why use pi^2/3 replace of error variance 1 in binomial analysis?

From: luansheng <luansheng_at_GMAIL.COM>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 22:23:04 +0800

Dear I.M.S.White:I think It should not be difficult. To different link
function,using different variance. It was simple programming method.

Luan sheng
  Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute
  Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences
  Nanjing Road 106
  Qingdao 266071

2009/4/1 I.M.S.White <>

> Dear Luansheng
> I agree that it is misleading. However, it might also be misleading
> in some circumstances to replace the one with pi^2/3. The problem
> for the programmers is devising a suitable rule for replacing
> or not replacing.
> Quoting luansheng <>:
> Dear White: Thanks for your reply. Then my an other question is " But
>> why was the variance showed as 1 other than pi^2/3 in the asr file when
>> using logit link? I think it is more clear if variance was showed as
>> pi^2/3.
>> I have got wrong heritability because I always thought that the variance
>> of logit was 1 from the asr file."
>> I have sent this question to the mail list, but nobody answer me.
>> Luan sheng
>> ----------------------------------------
>> Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute
>> Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences
>> Nanjing Road 106
>> Qingdao 266071
>> China
>> ----------------------------------------
>> 2009/3/31 I.M.S.White <>
>> One way the probit and logit links arise is when the event in question is
>>> triggered by an unobserved variable exceeding a fixed threshold. Fixed
>>> effects and variances are measured on this underlying (threshold,
>>> liability) scale. If we assume the unobserved threshold variable is
>>> standard
>>> normal (with variance one) we get the probit link, and if we assume a
>>> standard logistic
>>> distribution (which has a variance of pi^2/3) we get the logit link.
>>> Quoting luansheng <luansheng_at_GMAIL.COM>:
>>> In the p333 of asreml 3 user guide, it is about an analysis of footrot
>>> as
>>>> a
>>>> binomial variable using the logistic link. In this example, using pi^2/3
>>>> replace of error variance 1. I don't know the reason, anyone tell me?
>>>> thanks!
>>>> --
>>>> Luan sheng
>>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>> Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute
>>>> Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences
>>>> Nanjing Road 106
>>>> Qingdao 266071
>>>> China
>>>> ----------------------------------------
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Received on Thu Apr 01 2009 - 22:23:04 EST

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