Re: Constraining variances in asreml-R

From: Butler, David <David.Butler_at_DPI.QLD.GOV.AU>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 10:04:09 +1000

Most variance models have an "init" argument to take a vector of initial values as per your code. This vector can have a 'names' attribute where the names of the elements can be "P","U" or "F" for positive, unconstrained or fixed. So,
myInit <- c(in3,in4)
names(myInit) <- c("P","F")
should do the trick.


From: ASReml users discussion group [mailto:ASREML-L_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU] On Behalf Of zentree
Sent: Tuesday, 24 March 2009 8:25 PM
Subject: Constraining variances in asreml-R


I am comparing different methodologies for MET and in one of them I am running all the pairs of bivariate analyses for 70 sites, which means an awful lot of analyses. I wrote an R script that first run all the univariate analyses (fitting models appropriate for each site), stores the variance components and then I can use those components as starting values for the pairs.

My problem starts in that I would, sometimes, like to constraint one of the variances to a given value. For example, for some pairs I would like to constrain in4 to 0.01 (or something very small). Is there a simple way to fix in4 to 0.01?

Code: <- asreml(cbind(dbh1,dbh2) ~ trait,
                         random = ~ Rep:diag(trait,init=c(in1,in2)) +
                         Rep:Sets:diag(trait,init=c(in3,in4)) +
                         data = cur,
                         rcov = ~ units:diag(trait,init=c(in8,in9)))

In plain vanilla ASReml I would use something like !GF. Can I do that in asreml-R without recurring to manually edit a starting values external file? Remember, I have to run this code over 2,000 times.


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