I've not received any comments about this one yet. There's a further development:
I mentioned the 'singularity' error I got when I ran this:
> discard.asr <- asreml(fixed = Discard_Total ~ 1 + Season,
random = ~ped(Vine, var = T) + Block,
data = model.df, na.method.X = "include",
ginverse = list(Vine = G.inv$ginv))
However, it didn't prevent convergence.
I mentioned that adding a weights argument causes an error to do with a
Error : Abnormal termination
Singularity in Average Information Matrix
At that time, I considered it possible that the singularity had a cabability of creating a problem with weighting, but otherwise it was benign.
I've found an instance where even without a singularity problem, it's still a problem. The first one works fine; the second falls over:
resp.asreml <- try(asreml(fixed = form,
random = ~ped(Vine, var = T) + Block,
data = model.df, na.method.X = "include",
ginverse = list(Vine = G.inv$ginv)))
model.df$Wt <- rep(1, nrow(model.df))
respW.asreml <- try(asreml(fixed = form,
random = ~ped(Vine, var = T) + Block,
weights = Wt,
data = model.df, na.method.X = "include",
ginverse = list(Vine = G.inv$ginv)))
The 'singularity' problem returns even though it would appear to the ignorant that the same model was being tried.
That leads me to conclude that it can't just be me.
So my question is this:
Has anyone ever got weights to work when using the ped() function?
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Received on Thu Dec 09 2008 - 23:17:37 EST
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