Fwd: Basic ASReml

From: Julius van der Werf <julius.vanderwerf_at_UNE.EDU.AU>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 08:27:57 +1100

>I’m a Spanish student at Universtiy of Lleida (;
>I’ve just finalized my PhD in animal breeding.
>I'm writing to you now because I’ve made good
>(=reasonable) progresses in creating my models
>and assigning variance structures but there is a
>practical issue that I cannot follow in the manual
>Ruben Mata
>How to run sequentially different models (=one
>after another) and get the results in only one
>single (.asr) output? I have a dataset with
>different genetic markers and would like to test
>significance for each single marker (fixed term)
>by keeping the same model structure. This is what I tried:
>1. In command line I've typed ASReml marker1.as
> ASReml marker2.as
> ASReml markerN.as….makes what
> I want but produces different outputs
>2. In job control line: !DOPATH and specify only
>one single !PATH (=marker) at the same time…is
>it possible (how) to concatenate PATH1 +
>PATH2..+PATHN with each path containing the model for each marker?
>But I didn’t have any progresses with any of these attempts
>I'd appreciate your thoughs on what I'm trying
>(silly?) to do. Thanks a lot for any type of help. Again, thanks
Received on Sun Oct 31 2008 - 08:27:57 EST

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