As I said above, if I had an answer I would post it to everyone...
These are then ones I get till this moment...
Thanks Jocelyn Poissant and Dr Gilmour
Please if someone else has something to add it would be so kind of him/her to send it to the forum.
Hi Valeria,
Regarding your ASREML QTL mapping question you should contact Jon Slate (
Jocelyn Poissant
Dear Valeria,
A recent related paper is
It may have some useful references.
The main issue in association studies is to create the IBD matrix based on genotyping an incomplete (unknown) pedigree.
The NRM represents the average relationship of an individual with its relatives based on pedigree.
The IBD matrix looks at the specific inheritance of a particular allele at a particular locus.
So far I have not worked on the issue of forming the IBD matrix, just utilising it in ASReml.
May Jesus Christ continue to be gracious to you,
Arthur Gilmour, His servant .
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Received on Sat Oct 02 2008 - 01:32:05 EST
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