If you fit the units term as well in the model, this is closer to the lack
of fit definition of the residuals. I'm sorry, I don't know the equivalent
in ASReml-R.
We find that this term is very important for forestry trials representing
random tree to tree variation (still there in clonal trials), and is also
fitted quite a bit in agricultural variety trials where it is usually said
to represent measurement error.
So fitting the AR1 and units in R will give you an R that reflects both
independent and spatially structured residuals.
You could also fit the AR1 in the G part of the model and leave the R purely
as independent (lack of fit type) error (covered in the ASReml manual page
113) if such a complex R worries you, but the result is the same.
From: ASReml users discussion group [mailto:ASREML-L_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU] On
Behalf Of kwstat
Sent: Friday, 26 September 2008 4:44 AM
Subject: Residuals from AR1xAR1 one model
I usually think of residuals as being the difference between the observed
values and the modeled/fitted values. Residual plots can then be used as
diagnostics for the fit of the model.
When I fit a model with an AR1xAR1 spatial structure in the residual
covariance matrix, the above philosophy is not quite right. For example, if
I look at a heat map/level plot of the residuals, I usually see a smoothish,
undulating trend. This is the structure imposed by the correlation of the
residuals, and is not structure in the data that that has not been
adequately modeled.
There is a resid() function in ASREML-R, but these aren't really deviations
from the model in the usual sense, are they?
What is the right way to think about these quantities?
Kevin Wright
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