Dear all,
I am estimating heritabilitites and GxE interaction for several traits of river catfish tested in 3 different environments. However, I found a low additive genetic variance for all traits in the environment 1 where the high intensive farming system was applied with highest density and shortest growout period to reach marketable size, 147 days (environment 2, 180 days and environment 3, 246 days).
- I used partial factorial design, 2n x 2n=4n families in 6 batches and there were only parents and offsprings.
- The CVs of all traits in this environment are the same with those in environment 2 but lower than those in the environment 3.
- The survival rate is lowest for this environment. In environment 1&2, we stocked 15 fish each family and we harvested and recorded all survived fish.
- The number of families and number of individuals per family recorded are similar in environment 1 & 2 and larger in environment 3.
- The animal model with common environmental effects didn’t work on data of this environment.
- I have checked the outliers, the normality of resuduals. The plot of residuals vs. fitted values are likely two separate clouds.
- The total variances for traits in environment 1 are similar to those in the environment 2, but lower then environment 3; and the residual variances are similar to those in environment 3, but higher than in environment 2.
Could you advice me how it is like this and what should I do to solve it?
Best regards,
--- On Thu, 9/11/08, brian.cullis_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU <brian.cullis_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU> wrote:
> From: brian.cullis_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU <brian.cullis_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU>
> Subject: Re: Spatial analysis for repeated measurement
> Date: Thursday, September 11, 2008, 3:33 PM
> Dear vivi
> oh, yes we have a paper in euphytica where we haev done
> this sort of thing
> (smith stringer wei and cullis last year i think)
> warm regards
> Brian Cullis
> Research Leader, Biometrics &
> Senior Principal Research Scientist
> NSW Department of Primary Industries
> Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute
> Professor,
> Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
> The University of Sydney
> Phone: 61 2 6938 1855
> Fax: 61 2 6938 1809
> Mobile: 0439 448 591
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Received on Sun Sep 12 2008 - 03:15:08 EST
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