How to get additve and dominance effect value?

From: Khandker Kislam <kkislam_at_UALBERTA.CA>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 02:31:05 -0600

Hi Discussion Group Members,

I was trying to analyze my data using ASReml, to find out association
of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with phenotypic trait (in
animal data). For three different genotypes (0,1,2 in data set) of a
single SNP, I can get predicted trait values for individual genotype
and also can get allele substitution effect for a SNP. However, I am
unable to calculate the additive and dominance effect of a single SNP.
How can I get those values? [I use animal model and univariate analysis]

I appreciate suggestions and comments from you.

Best regards,

Graduate Student
University of Alberta
Received on Fri Aug 13 2008 - 02:31:05 EST

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