GLMM analysis in asreml

From: ian white <i.m.s.white_at_ED.AC.UK>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 08:38:47 +0100

Consider threshold model with single random effect plus error.
On underlying scale, total variance is say B + W and intraclass
correlation is B/(B + W).

Let R = B/W. Total variance is W(1+R) and correlation is R/(1+R). For
probit W = 1, for logit W = pi^2/3, etc.

In asreml output, the same number appears in variance ratio and
component columns. Is this R or B = RW ?

  I White
  University of Edinburgh
  Ashworth Laboratories, West Mains Road
  Edinburgh EH9 3JT  (Tel 0131 650 5490)
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Received on Thu Jun 24 2008 - 08:38:47 EST

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