Dear Hogsheng
Thanks for the reply and sorry for the confusion.
1. My first question will be is there any ASreml-R for "Fedora Core 3
64-bit" platform.
***yes there is. I am ccing this to David Butler would is the developer of
I use one for Fedora 64 bit Core7
2. If not, since we have a R program which has ASreml()in it, we can't run
it in our linux system. we would like to just translate the function call
part to Fortran since, obviously, ASreml can be installed for "Fedora Core
3 64-bit". And just run the function call in Fortran. After that, we will
return to R to finish up the analysis. Again, are we correct on this or
there is a better way to handle this issue?
***can do it all in ASReml-R I would imagine
Thanks again.
warm regards
Brian Cullis
Research Leader, Biometrics &
Senior Principal Research Scientist
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute
Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
The University of Sydney
Phone: 61 2 6938 1855
Fax: 61 2 6938 1809
Mobile: 0439 448 591
Received on Sat Apr 24 2008 - 09:15:33 EST
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