Heritability of milk production

From: abbas rafat <abbasrafat_at_HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 17:00:20 +0330

Dear ASReml utilisers,

I run a ASReml programm for univariate analyse of milk production with fixed effect of herd,year,season(HYS), and Age as covariate.

I got heritability of milk production 0.60 with standar error of 0.01. Would you please say me why the heritability is too high? Where is my error?

Please see belowthe programm and outputs.


ASReml program file

!WORK 1 # Sets workspace to 1 Gbyte
Milk data analysis
 animal !P
 Age !I
milk ~ Trait Trait.HYS Trait.Age !r animal

ASReml primary output file

 ASReml 2.00a [01 Jul 2006] Milk data analysis
     Build: v [27 Feb 2007] 32 bit
 07 Dec 2006 13:56:43.765 1024.00 Mbyte Windows ties\Sheikhlou\FatAnalyse\new5
 Running under 30 day Demonstration License
 * SYNTAX change: A/B now means A A.B *
 * *
 * Contact support_at_asreml.co.uk for licensing and support *
***************************************************** ARG *
 Folder: D:\MyResearchActivities\Sheikhlou\FatAnalyse
  animal !P
  Age !I
 Notice: Sorted pedigree written to: Ped_17bahman.prn.SRT
 A-inverse retrieved from ainverse.bin
 PEDIGREE [Ped_17bahman.prn.SRT ] has 219749 identities, 778431 Non zero elements
 Reading dat_17bahman.prn FREE FORMAT skipping 0 lines

 Univariate analysis of milk
 Using 128836 records of 128836 read

  Model term Size #miss #zero MinNon0 Mean MaxNon0
   1 animal !P 219749 0 0 0.2711E+050.1506E+06 0.2197E+06
   2 HYS 0 0 0.1258E+06 0.1614E+07 0.2813E+08
   3 Age 21 0 0 1 10.6599 21
   4 milk Variate 0 0 615.0 6825. 0.1302E+05
   5 Trait 1
   6 Trait.HYS 1 5 Trait : 1 2 HYS : 1
   7 Trait.Age 21 5 Trait : 1 3 Age : 21
 Forming 219772 equations: 23 dense.
 Initial updates will be shrunk by factor 0.316
 Notice: LogL values are reported relative to a base of -980000.00
 Notice: 1 singularities detected in design matrix.
   1 LogL=-6538.34 S2= 0.15320E+07 128814 df 0.1000 1.000
   2 LogL=-5748.98 S2= 0.14552E+07 128814 df 0.1604 1.000
   3 LogL=-4612.67 S2= 0.12949E+07 128814 df 0.3297 1.000
   4 LogL=-3532.18 S2= 0.10044E+07 128814 df 0.8313 1.000
   5 LogL=-3300.86 S2= 0.82310E+06 128814 df 1.361 1.000
   6 LogL=-3290.59 S2= 0.77722E+06 128814 df 1.538 1.000
   7 LogL=-3290.57 S2= 0.77560E+06 128814 df 1.545 1.000
   8 LogL=-3290.57 S2= 0.77564E+06 128814 df 1.545 1.000
 Final parameter values 1.5449 1.0000

 Source Model terms Gamma Component Comp/SE % C
 animal 219749 219749 1.54486 0.119826E+07 65.34 0 P
 Variance 128836 128814 1.00000 775645. 70.08 0 P

 Analysis of Variance NumDF F_inc
   5 Trait 1 56020.02
   6 Trait.HYS 1 51.90
   7 Trait.Age 20 59.65
   1 animal 219749 effects fitted
         328 possible outliers: see .res file
 Finished: 07 Dec 2006 15:04:21.718 LogL Converged

ASReml variance function input file

F PhenVar 1 2
H heritability 1 3

ASReml post processing outputfile

ASReml 2.00a [01 Jul 2006] Milk data analysis
          D:\MyResearchActivities\Sheikhlou\FatAnalyse\new5.pvc created 07 Dec 2006 16:23:41.640

   3 PhenVar 1 0.1974E+07 0.1052E+05
     heritability = animal 1/PhenVar 3= 0.6071 0.0068
 Notice: The parameter estimates are followed by
          their approximate standard errors.

Seyed Abbas RAFAT
-------------------------------------------------Email:abbasrafat_at_hotmail.comAnimal Science DepartmentFaculty of AgricultureUniversity of TabrizTabriz
P.C:5166616471Tel:+98 (0)411 339 2053Mobile:+98 (0)935 560 1115http://myprofile.cos.com/abbasrafat

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Received on Sun Feb 07 2008 - 17:00:20 EST

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