Re: Model overfitting in ASREML-R manual?

From: Butler, David <David.Butler_at_DPI.QLD.GOV.AU>
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 09:52:25 +1000


This is a typo in the manual - the model should also include 'season' in
the fixed effects, ie

m6 <- asreml(circ ~ x + season,
             random = .............)

With 'season' included the job runs to completion; presumably the
initial estimates for the us() model are inappropriate with 'season'

I'll update the manual.


-----Original Message-----
From: ASReml users discussion group [mailto:ASREML-L_at_AGRIC.NSW.GOV.AU]
On Behalf Of Kevin Wright
Sent: Saturday, 5 January 2008 6:14 AM
Subject: Model overfitting in ASREML-R manual?

In the ASREML-R manual, version 2, page 120, is the following model:

m6 <- asreml(circ ~ x,
             random = ~ us(link(~1+x), init=c(5,-0.01,0.0001)):Tree +
             spl(x) + spl(x):Tree,
             splinepoints = list(x =
             data = orange)

When I try to execute this, I get the following:

Equations: 42 (2 dense)
Initial update shrinkage factor: 0.316
     LogLik S2 DF

   -113.9692 56.5670 33 14:10:07 (3 component(s) constrained)
Warning: 2 1 NonPosDef US matrix modified ABORT Fault 2130 No residual
variation Finished on: Fri Jan 04 14:10:07 2008

Error: Abnormal termination
No residual variation

Can anyone confirm this error?
I hypothesize there has been a change in the dynamic linked code since
the manual was created.

My setup: Windows XP
asreml(): 2.00 Library: 2.00bi Run: Fri Jan 04 14:10:07 2008


K Wright

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Received on Fri Jan 08 2008 - 09:52:25 EST

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