Dear Kevin,
It will be very hard to do the prediction without using the spl()
coefficients used by ASReml.
These are returned in the .res file with standalone ASReml though I can't
see them in the returned asreml() object..
The coding is based on Verbyla et al Applied Stats 1999 48:269-311 and
described in the following tex code (from the Old ASReml reference manaul)
\section{Cubic\index{Cubic, see splines}\label{DET:SPLINE}
\special{ pdf:outline 2 << /Title (Cubic Splines) /Dest [@thispage /FitH
A recent advance in \AAR\ is the implementation of
cubic smoothing splines as described by Verbyla {\it et al.}\footnote{
Verbyla, A.P., Cullis. B.R., Kenward, M.G. and Welham, S.J. (1999).
Smoothing splines in the analysis of designed experiments
and longitudinal data. {\it Applied Statistics} {\bf 48:} 269-311. }
A cubic spline is a smooth curve over an interval $[a,b]$
formed by linking segments of cubic polynomials at {\sl knot}
points such that the whole curve and it's first and second differentials
are continuous over the interval. See Green \& Silverman\footnote{
Green, P.J. and Silverman, B.W. (1994), Nonparametric Regression and
Generalized Linear models. Chapman \& Hall, 182pp}
for a general treatment of splines.
Verbyla {\em et al.} show that a cubic spline can be fitted as a
linear model of the form
$$\bmy=\X\bmb + \Z_s\bmu_s + \bmeta$$
where $\X\bmb$ fits a linear regression
(intercept and slope), $\Z_s=\Delta(\Delta^T\Delta)^{-1},$ both
$\bmu\;\sim$ N$(0, \sigma^2_s\G)$ and $\bmeta\;\sim$ N$(0, \sigma^2\I)$
are vectors of random effects, and
$\G$ and $\Delta$ are functions of the first differences between the
$N$ ordered
knot points. \AAR\ transforms this model to use $\Z=k^{-1.5}\Z_s\G^{1/2}$
so that the fitted effects are
$\tilde{\bmu}=\G^{-1/2}\tilde{\bmu}_sk^{1.5}$ where
$k$ is the averge distance between knots (range/$(N-1)$)
and $k$ standardizes $\Z$ so the variance component is not poorly scaled.
In \AAR, $\G^{1/2}$ is formed as a cholesky factor (unlike the
Genstat and Splus implementations which use an eigen factorization).
For $h_i=x_{i+1}-x_i$ being the differences between five ordered knot
$$\Delta^T =
{\left( \begin{array}{ccccc}
1/h_1 & -( 1/h_1 + 1/h_2) & 1/h_2 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 1/h_2 & -( 1/h_2 + 1/h_3) & 1/h_3 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 1/h_3 & -( 1/h_3 + 1/h_4) & 1/h_4
\end{array}\right) }
$$\G =
{\left( \begin{array}{ccc}
{h_1 +h_2\over 3} & {h_2\over 6} &0 \\*[0.15cm]
{h_2\over 6} & {h_2 +h_3\over 3} & {h_3\over 6} \\*[0.15cm]
0 & {h_3\over 6} & {h_3 +h_4\over 3}
\end{array}\right). }
\AAR\ performs the scaling by actually using $h_i=(x_{i+1}-x_i)/k$ in
these expressions
where $k$ is $(x_N-x_1)/(N-1)$.
Note that
returns $\tilde{\bmu}$ (rather than $\tilde{\bmu}_s$) in the solution
It returns the knot points ($\bmx$) and the
fitted spline curvature ($\Z\tilde{\bmu}=\Z_s\tilde{\bmu}_s$) values
above mini plots of the curvature against the knot points
% and $\bmx$ (correpsonding to $\tilde{\bmu}$ and $\Z$) is presented
%above the spline plots
in the {\tt .asr} file. $\Z$ and $\bmx$ are
also returned in the {\tt .res} file. A {\tt .pin} file can be
used to predict the full spline $\X\hat{\bmb}+\Z\tilde{\bmu}$ (=
The interpolated spline at $x$ between two knot points
$x_l$ and $x_h$ is
\frac{ (x-x_l)y_h + (x_h-x)y_l}{(x_h-x_l)}
- \hfill\hbox{\hspace*{6cm}}\\\frac{(x-x_l)(x_h-x)}{ 6}\left[
\left(1+\frac{x-x_l}{x_h-x_l}\right)d_h +
where $\bmy= \X\hat{\bmb}+\Z\tilde{\bmu}$ is thus the vector of predicted
and for
$$\bmdel = \G^{-1}\tilde{\bmu}_s
= \G^{-1}\Delta^T\Delta(\Delta^T\Delta)^{-1}\tilde{\bmu}_s
= \G^{-1}\Delta^T\Z_s\tilde{\bmu}_s,$$
$\bmd= (0\ \ \bmdel'\ \ 0)'$ is vector of second derivatives at the knot
Extract from .res file showing spl coeffs at knot pouints, and then
interpolated at predict points
spl(x,7) Z matrix for specified KNOT points: Scale factor 0.0061
118.00 1.3072 1.4651 0.9457 0.4209 0.1926
484.00 -0.9158 -0.3924 -0.0087 0.0500 0.0352
664.00 -0.8386 -1.3059 -0.4781 -0.1323 -0.0421
1004.00 -0.3283 -0.9049 -1.3647 -0.4768 -0.1883
1231.00 0.0124 -0.1593 -0.5303 -0.7068 -0.2859
1372.00 0.2240 0.3038 0.1852 -0.1233 -0.3466
1582.00 0.5391 0.9936 1.2509 0.9684 0.6351
spl(x,7) has 5 levels. Z matrix standardized for scale.
118.00000 1.30719 1.46505 0.94568 0.42087 0.19262
150.00000 1.04362 1.31451 0.85826 0.38953 0.17864
200.00000 0.63940 1.07798 0.72211 0.34043 0.15682
Received on Sun Nov 07 2007 - 12:30:30 EST
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