Using BY statement in ASReml

From: Denis Fidalis Mujibi <fmujibi_at_UALBERTA.CA>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 18:02:51 -0600

Hello all,
I was wondering if there was an equivalent statement to the SAS 'by'
statement. This is what I mean. I have several permuted datasets that
I have appended to each other so that the final datafile has 500
permuted sets, each distinguised by a set number i. I would like to
run ASReml for each i value (by i) such that I have 500 different
I would appreciate any help provided.

Denis Fidalis Mujibi
Ph. D. Candidate
Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Science
4-10 AgroForestry Centre
University of Alberta, Edmonton
T6G2P5, AB, Canada.
Received on Sun Oct 31 2007 - 18:02:51 EST

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