I have a problem with SPLUS that I cannot seem to find a
solution to and would appraciate suggestions.
I have a data set that runs perfectly well in winasreml but
when I use the coding
Data <- importData("Data2.txt")
Data.Ped <- importData("DataPed.txt")
# ASREML command
AINV <- asreml.Ainverse(Data.Ped)$ginv
HS.asr <- asreml(TRAIT1~1,
ginverse=list(Animal=AINV), data=Data)
SPLUS hangs. If I issue the coding line by line I can
verify that the data are read in ok and AINV is created and
that running HS.asr gives the message "Likelihood converged"
but when I issue HS.asr <- etc I get no message just a
blank. After this point summary(HS.asr) gives no answer.
The coding works with other data sets so there must be some
interaction between SPLUS and this particular data set (and
some others). I think that somehow there is a memory
conflict but cannotfind a way around it.
Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Derek Roff,
Department of Biology,
University of California,
CA 92521
Received on Sat Oct 30 2007 - 08:26:20 EST
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